Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Train of thought

You fell asleep on the metra rail, and you know you missed your stop
Now the end of the line, will be the end of your time
Don't worry, cause i too forgot

Number 8462, will never be the same to you, or anybody that you know
Reaching union station in contemplation
you wonder where did the time go

Whistles blowing and the train starts slowing, everybodies standing tall
But the screeching brakes just don't have what it takes
Nothing's left to break your fall

Now give me your hand, together we can watch the world come to an end
The glowing street lights look, bright as daylight
We're moving full steam ahead

sisyphus blues

...An old man
Looking through his life
At what he's done
And what he'll leave behind

He sees his past
Fly over him
The wasted days
And what else could have been

...A little child
Through hopeful eyes
Convinced himself
That one day he will fly

Over the trees
And through the clouds
Above are stars
He'll never come back down

...The old man too
He had big dreams
He quickly learned
That nothing is as it seems

He saw them slip
Between his hands
Came crashing down
Like castles made of sand

...Flying high
The boy looks down
On that old man
Who's feet are on the ground

As he walked
The boy just flew
The ground is worn
But the sky is always blue

...Well will you
Ever reach the top
Or will you stop
And climb that hill again?