Friday, July 24, 2009

Dream #1

last night i dreamt i was a kid again
around the age of seven
which is ironic because i don't recall much of my adolescence at all
aside from the yelling and the fighting
after a snowy night
i remembered waking up at sunrise and listening to the radio to see if school was cancelled
and playing outside when it was
i looked forward to my birthday and christmas
in ways i can't imagine now
i remembered visiting my cousins on christmas eve
and falling asleep on the car ride home
i haven't spoken to them in years
on new years eve i would try so hard to stay up until midnight
but always fell asleep before 10
i was always falling asleep when i was a kid
now i can't sleep
everything was so easy
so simple
nothing ever mattered then
the way it does now

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lakefront Property

a lingering sadness lives
with every open and close of the door
moving from one end of the room
then to the other
no one is immune
the darkness hides the eyes
only exposing with the incoming headlights
like film they are ruined in the light
everyone feels
those who say they don't,
feel it harder
with every drink
the rotted teeth throb
the poison takes control
gasoline will never put out a flame
in a place as dry as this
nothing can

like all good fires
it gets worse before the tide washes in
the full moon is never more than a month away
some stumble in the gravel
destined for the road
recoiling in the terror of the night
retreating to the dumpsters
their fire is about to spread

for those left standing after the inferno
the sun rises
the damage cannot be undone
but learned from
the prairies thrive in fire
they are tough
the weeds though,
are not
they will not survive
and will end up decaying on the ground
or behind the dumpsters.
when smoke settles
seeds sprout and spread,
a new element absorbs the land
it cannot-
-will not
be held at bay
the flowers flourish with an exuberance
once thought to be extinct
it will remain
only until the weeds return
and the air grows dry


wait for it
we are told
good things come to those who wait
don't rush into things
what's your hurry
take your time

they are still waiting
while others are doing
every moment is another one lost
wait for it
there goes another

...and another

with everyone waiting
everything is ripe for taking
...for stealing
from right behind the back of those
who all they do is wait

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Where the Eagle glides...

Where the Eagle glides ascending
silhouetted by the mid-day moon
he leaves only a trail of feathers
before he leaves too soon

Where the Eagle glides ascending
through the cool Colorado air
Heading towards a brighter Sun
to a place he always knew was there

Where the Eagle glides ascending
far from the neon railroad town
to a finer point in time and space
where he never need come down

Where the Eagle glides descending
away now from concrete and chrome
West in the valley with his companions
he soars towards his long-awaited home

Where the Eagle glides descending
he won't be forgotten soon
His wings span further than ever
and can be seen silhouetted by the mid-day moon

Where the Eagle perches proudly
he looks at how far he has come
and rests his weary eyes for a spell
knowing his journey is finally done

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nothing You Can Say

comes pouring out
river from the ocean

dreams you had
promises forgotten
lies you tell yourself

things you should have done
would have done
can never do again

it's alright
resting for a while
nothing you can say

don't leave me by myself
it's lonely down here

it happens all at once
there until it's not
surrounded by myself

always someone else
written on a page
spilled accross the road

sun is setting now
brighter than before
nothing you can say
nothing you can say it goes

memories past present the future
now it's nothing as it used to be
nothing is as real as it is right now
our lives are all just a fantasy
so will you open your ears and listen
to the stories as they're told
or skip to the end of the book
when the tragedy unfolds
....and so it goes

all you need is just a little more time
to see things more clearly
if you can somehow come unstuck
everything is as it appears to be
floating in and out of dreams
waking up before you know
is it real or just some kind of game
you know it doesn't really matter though
....and so it goes

well everything is what it is
the birds were born to fly
but what becomes of a man
a man who reaches only for the sky
is he stuck on the ground until the end
if it wasn't the path that he chose
well everything is what it is now
....and so it goes

Monday, July 6, 2009

Starlight Serenade

Star-born songs sing sweet melodies
moonlight masquerading
tumbling towards
the vast difference of every little thing
spread out through time and space.
Seekers seek sought after alliances
with waxing and waning moons.
Craters cover the crescent
capturing notes unbending and unending.
Creatures crawl through caves
to gather just a glimpse
...or hear just one measure
of the Star-born song's sweet melody