Saturday, July 11, 2009

Where the Eagle glides...

Where the Eagle glides ascending
silhouetted by the mid-day moon
he leaves only a trail of feathers
before he leaves too soon

Where the Eagle glides ascending
through the cool Colorado air
Heading towards a brighter Sun
to a place he always knew was there

Where the Eagle glides ascending
far from the neon railroad town
to a finer point in time and space
where he never need come down

Where the Eagle glides descending
away now from concrete and chrome
West in the valley with his companions
he soars towards his long-awaited home

Where the Eagle glides descending
he won't be forgotten soon
His wings span further than ever
and can be seen silhouetted by the mid-day moon

Where the Eagle perches proudly
he looks at how far he has come
and rests his weary eyes for a spell
knowing his journey is finally done

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