Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"no more"

I used to go to school
I took classes in writing-even some in poetry
But one day I screamed "no more"
I couldn't sit in that class with a broken clock for one more second
Surrounded by people all to willing to study Pound & Elliot to no end
Three sessions on a two line poem...
I have my limits.
I hope Pound is happy knowing that people still study his work like that
when there are writers who say what they mean
and are able to be more direct about it than he was willing to be.
Educated poetry for the educated man is a hell of a corner to write yourself into -Pound!

I used to write for a newspaper
I used to walk around with a pen, a notebook and even a funny hat
But one day I threw my hat out my window
Everyone looked for something that wasn't there
Watergate at every board meeting, and corruption in every town hall
It was sad-and funny-and pathetic the way they believed the world was anything but boring and lonely.
Nobody likes to be bothered with reality anymore.

Now I work at a school with children
they don't listen to me
I teach them card games and we play for candy
We do homework and draw pictures before they get picked up by their parents
Sometimes I hide in the corner and read
I imagine all the things I thought I'd be doing in life by now
All the places I'd see and people I'd meet
I want to throw my book down and watch the building block tower crumble to pieces,
leave, and never look back
But they are just kids
They are ignorant and don't know much
They don't know enough to know any better

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