Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hillcrest and Glidden

through kaleidoscope eyes the street lights appear as distant stars
the car engines and neon whispers trade secrets at the gas pump
as an old song reminds me of why i came back in the first place
and why i have to leave

i wish i could remember what i promised myself i would forget

the snow melted last weekend and a layer of trash is all that winter left behind
broken beer bottles and cigarette butts
its too cold for the moths under this fading parking lot light
it's empty for now
no one has any business here that can't wait another hour

my only business is to stop the rain
stop it before the whole town is underwater
i'm not much of a swimmer
i've been on dry land for years and can't afford to go back
but maybe that's what this town needs
a good rain to wash the filth away and give it a clean slate
a flood to stir the ground and shake people out of their cozy little homes

who am i kidding?
i'm not much of a swimmer

the gas attendant steps out for a smoke and threatens to blow the place up
...he's not much of a swimmer either
a car with one headlight turns in and asks for directions
they're all the same, passing through in a hurry trying to beat the weather
as the car drives off the clerk looks at me
i see him but pretend i don't
the rain lets up and a chill hits the air

the powerball is up to 10 million today
maybe then i'd find my way out of this place and never look back
instead i buy a pack of cigarettes and walk home

through kaleidoscope eyes the approaching headlights make me sick and nauseous

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