Monday, April 14, 2008

like trees dancing

i was watching one of those nature shows this afternoon
the kind where every animal was either killing another or making it by the watering hole
squirrels, hippos, insects - it was all the same
everything was hunting

then there were the trees
standing tall and proud watching it all go down
not wasting time sleeping, eating or mating
just living
pure, calculated, blissful, existence while dancing along the way

yes dancing
swaying and waltzing in the autumn breeze
it's easy to miss
it's almost impossible not to
you need to listen for it
listen for the rustle of their leaves
the crackle of their branches
watch as the canopy catches fire
the forest become more alive than ever

the birds of paradise parade around
and the wolves pick off caribou from the herd
but all the while the trees watch patiently

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